Economic Development

Note: This sub group is current under review. The Economic Development Vision and Action Plan Position Paper prepared in 2021/22 is available here: HSPG Economic Final Vision .

Text below relates to the work of the sub group during expansion discussions.

The specific objectives for this Sub Group are to:

  1. Drive common understanding across the HSPG membership on the current and future economic and business opportunities presented by the expansion of Heathrow;
  2. Agree common objectives and opportunities to co-operate across membership;
  3. Take an evidence-based view of these opportunities; and
  4. Promote the national significance of Heathrow expansion as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to secure last economic benefits for the sub-region and ensure that these are clearly and consistently cited strategies, e.g. Local Industrial Strategies.

The sub-group is focussing on the following matters:

  • Capitalising on the sub-regional economic opportunities provided through the enhanced role of Heathrow operating as Britain’s Global Gateway;
  • Support the identification and delivery of the Skills Pipeline needed for Heathrow Airport, its partners and its local supply chains;
  • Ensure that the sub-regional business community is aware of and has the ability to compete for and win business contracts associated with the airport expansion;
  • Exploit new technologies and innovation resulting from the expansion of Heathrow Airport – across the whole sub-region; and
  • Help identify appropriate and sustainable employment land use opportunities resulting from the expansion of Heathrow Airport.

HSPG has produced its Economic Development Vision and Action Plan (EDVAP) to ensure it addresses the above in the prism of Heathrow expansion. The EDVAP should be read alongside the action plan and evidence base.