
Heathrow Strategic Planning Group & Airport Regions Council – In person Conference
11 October 2024 – 9:30-18:00
Hounslow Council (Hounslow House 7 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW3 3EB)
Served as an in-person showcase for the work of HSPG and Airport Regions Council.
  • HSPG acts as a unifying voice for the network of Local Authorities in the vicinity of Heathrow airport, amplifying our shared objectives with a view to delivering genuine sustainable development at the airport and across the wider functional economic area.
  • Airport Regions Council is the only public sector network representing the interest of municipalities across the continent impacted by aviation development and operations.
The morning session (930-1230) provided updates on the work of HSPG, particularly around the following key areas:
  • Net Zero: Latest output from the Innovate UK funded Net Zero Living Pathfinders Project
  • Sustainable Surface Access: Supporting progress on improved rail access to the airport and developing active travel routes around the airport
  • Future growth: Helping lead the conversation around responding to the any future development proposals at the airport
  • Economic Development: Towards a new Economic Development Vision & Action Plan for the Heathrow sub-region
  • Sustainability: Supporting Heathrow in the implementation of Heathrow 2.0, including updates on their nature positive plan, air quality monitoring, noise action plan and developing the circular economy
Following lunch (1230-1330), the afternoon session (1330 – 1630) provided an opportunity to hear about the work of Airport Region’s Council, and learn from international best practice in how to ensure airports contribute to sustainable local growth.
Responding to the morning’s content, topics covered included:
  • Decarbonising aviation
  • The latest thinking on effective noise management: where is the state of the art?
  • International comparisons around the funding provided by airports to local communities impacted by aviation operations
  • Using airports to unlock sustainable economic growth
  • The Drone revolution and Advanced Urban Air Mobility – what impact might this have on local areas?
Further information was also made available on following live Horizon funded EU projects:
  • OLGA Project. OLGA “hOListic & Green Airports (OLGA)” project looks to progress innovative approaches to reducing the environmental impact of the aviation sector by focusing on objectives such as reducing CO2 emissions, optimising energy efficiency, preserving biodiversity, and improving air quality and waste management.
  • STARGATE Project: STARGATE’s mission is to develop, test, and deploy innovative solutions to make airports more sustainable, with a vision to set a benchmark for sustainable ecosystems and inspire other airports worldwide.
  • ALIGHT Project: ALIGHT has a particular focus on breaking down barriers to the introduction of sustainable aviation fuel, exploring challenges and opportunities in this space.
  • TULIP Project: TULIP has a focus on decarbonisation and developing “Smart Energy Hubs for airports”
  • PULSAR Project. Pulsar aims to create a roadmap for European aviation research and innovation focusing on environmental aspects.
The event closed (16:30-18:00) with some networking drinks and light snacks on Hounslow Council’s stunning roof terrace.