The HSPG Vision and Principles document was produced by HSPG members in conjunction with Heathrow Airport Limited in 2015, following the publication of the Airports Commission Report, which effectively supported the north-west runway at Heathrow Airport. It sets out key objectives for future airport expansion ahead of Heathrow developing a DCO scheme.
The HSPG Accord and Outcomes Statement is the joint working agreement between HSPG members. It was originally produced in October 2017, but has been subsequently amended, due to increased membership. The outcomes statement, initially produced in 2015 and subsequently amended, sets out key outcomes that HSPG are seeking in Heathrow’s DCO scheme.
The HSPG process for engaging with any promotor of expansion is a three stage process which sets out how we will engage with any promoter of Heathrow Expansion, once approached for engagement. We will follow the process outlined here in any circumstance, with the same overall goal of maximising benefits and minimising impacts, and meeting HSPG’s objectives as set out in the Accord.
HSPG has produced an Economic Development Vision and Action Plan (EDVAP), an action-focused Plan to maximise the economic productivity, skills, jobs and business development in the HSPG area, through the prism of Heathrow airport economic activity, either current or with an eye on potential expansion. The EDVAP should be read alongside the action plan and evidence base.
Response to
Covering Letter for the HSPG AEC Response – September 2019
HSPG AEC Response- September 2019
Joint Connectivity Statement- September 2019
Map for Joint Connectivity Statement- September 2019
HSPG Green and Blue Infrastructure Headline Response – September 2019